Saturday, August 14, 2010

A mosque at ground zero!

Are you fucking joking me? Seriously, you want o build a mosque at ground zero as a sign 0f healing and togetherness? How about i build a christian church in the center of Baghdad or better yet, let me build one in the center of Kandahar! Maybe the Saudis would like one in the middle of Riyadh?
Best part about this entire thing is the fuck face excuse for a president we have coming out and not only saying he doesn't see anything wrong with it, but that it is their right to build one if they like!!!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! IS he serious? no way he is serious, maybe he is drunk since he is on vacation, AGAIN! Oh and about the vacations, i did some research and this man had vacationed more in less than two years than every other president did in almost 8??? Is this reasonable? people are starving and he is flying his punk ass around the world taking family pics for his Face book!
Don't get me started on his wife, or whatever that thing is he kisses when the cams are on! This woman had the nerve to prance off to Spain with her friends and on top of that had them shut down a stretch of beach so that she wouldn't have to be bothered.. Ba ha ha ha! Is she serious? does she think she is a hot commodity? sorry lady, but you're gross, IMO!

Back to the mosque, If you google a thing or two you can see that in the Muslim history that building a mosque at a site that they deemed to be a victory for them is completely normal and part of their gig! I understand tolerance and being a free country, but who in their right fucking mind would want to do that?
I wouldn't dare build a church in a conquered Muslim country as i wouldn't expect one to be built at the site of an attack carried out by Muslim fanatics! Why cant this joke of POUTUS just sack up on the side of Americans once? is it that hard to represent the country and the interest of the people who you pretend to lead.

I thank god that he is just a one term loser at this rate, we cannot afford another six years of this man(term used loosely) trying to tear down the united states as he finds it disgusting and unfair, even though it allowed someone with ZERO experience or qualifications to become president.