Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time for change I can believe in.. *Non-Political*

So over the past week and a half i am getting the feeling that i need some change, and not the Obama type. I mean real change that benefits me. For the past few months i have been worrying about things that in the long run do not affect me much , but that would make things better for some and not so much for others, is it wrong of me to say i really am losing interest in caring?
Honestly? Is it bad to look out for yourself in the reality that no one else will, or is it for us that know better to let others live life in such an unfulfilled way and try to help when and where we can. Will we end up a better person spiritually at the cost of our own wants and feelings? In the past week on two separate instances i have been told that the way i feel is less important than the way the person telling me does. Is this right? Or am i taking it the wrong way as we each have our own lives and do with them as we please. I am only asking this because i am coming to a crossroads in my life both professionally and in my private goings on. I am at the proverbial fork on the road and am now in the position to chose what the next step in this journey will be.
On the one side i have what i perceive to be what i want, it feels right and i enjoy that life so far as it seems to be the right choice both in heart and mind. On the other hand i have the unknown with a hint of gesture from the other side that what i may be doing is the wrong path. Where do i go from here? Its like we see something that looks yummy , but we know it will make us gain weight and we are trying to lose for a beach vacation! its that moment of pause before you bit into it or let it pass with the thoughts of how good you will look in that bathing suit.
What do you do?
What do I do?
I am not sure of either?

I do know one thing, and it is this. When people who you hold in high esteem or think of as highly important to your happiness begin to show signs that you are not that to them or that they can go on fine without you; there comes a point in which we must decide if they are worth breaking yourself over.. or even worse shedding a tear for. I have those types in my life at present, they are important to me and i value them to no end yet i am starting to see that i am not these things in their life. Perhaps they have found new friends, or a new career..perhaps we have just grown apart and as life happens we must go on without them , but there are those that i don't want to lose. What do i do? at what point does one throw in the towel and say it is for the best?

So here I am right where i began, without answers and i believe with more questions!?! How the eff does that happen? We shall see what time brings my way, I know i will okay as I always am. Its just a pain in the ass when you have moments of doubt, not in yourself , but in those you trust around you.
Nothing worse or more liberating than turning around and seeing no one as it is in these times you relay only on yourself.

Straylight Run - It's for the best Listen to this amazing piece of music

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Short, Sweet and Sad..

Less than 10% of Obama's cabinet have ever held a job in the private sector. This means that less than 10% of the people deciding our financial future have never ran nor worked in a privately held company, thus equating to letting a magician treat you for cancer based on the fact he has made things disappear before. It is any wonder our economy is continuing to slip and they have Zero remedy for it.
It is sad to think that we need to take a hint from Europe and lower taxes on corporations like they have and then take a tip from china and not tax the investment and savings of its citizens like the US currently kicks us in the balls with. Top that off with the fact Iran is announcing 10 new Nuclear facilities and the Russians building arms plants with Venezuela and i can easily say this Joke is the worst president in history. IN less than 1 year he has taken what was once a feared super power and made us into a cocktail hour joke amongst world leaders. God be with us because the rest of the world is not.
Even Bill Clinton surrounded himself with private sector minds in regards to the economy and he was the darling of the left *continues to be* is it possible that this man is this stupid or is it something more sinister? Time will tell, but as of late i am beginning to think he truly has an agenda and a bone to pick with the United States and the way we came to power. This is only the Ramblings of an upset and Educated American so i may or may not be right.
I pray that i am not.
Last, but not least: The Afghanistan decision
SO after all the BS and the trumped up meetings and Decisions time he will do what the man HE PICKED to run the war asked for, now why take so much time? that is left to be divulged , but i am pretty sure one of my earlier theories *which i blogged about* is turning out to be true. He simply wanted to see the way the political winds would blow, that being said he is a traitor to the very men he is the Commander and Chief over.
To sit and watch them get hammered for months in order to gauge the political winds is treasonous at best and down right evil at its core. Although this is upsetting to me that he waited so long to make the same decision that could have been made from step one the real thorn in my shoe is the media! Where are the calls for Impeachment? The protest? The low down personal attacks on Obama? He is after all carrying on all of G.W. Bush's policies *Rightly so* He is using Bush's plan as it is the winning strategy and the left is not hammering him for it? Why not?
Is it that they are hypocrites and it is now proven that policy had nothing to do with their blood lust for Bush. They simply did not like the man or his party and played political games with American lives and well being for 8 years, Sad & Pathetic.
Their Darling Obama is doing all the same things bush did on the war front, and in fact adopted his play book! Yet i hear no cries from the left? He is escalating the war in the Af-Pak and has signed on for increased Drone assassinations *which i love* and still nothing from the left! Strange, Pathetic & Sad.
In the end me and G.W. Disagreed on many things, but he stood his ground and meant what he said and in life that is worth more to me then all the Photo ops and promises of change. Obama is nothing more than a snake oil salesman who the Uneducated youth bought into only to be let down, The journalist of the world have so much invested in him that to back off now would be to admit they were wrong and naive, which they will never do.
So here we go on Mr. Toads wild ride into the next three years. By the grace of god we will make it out the other side and will begin to rebuild our country with a strong economy and military to defend our interest at home and abroad. I hope we will find a leader who believes in the good of America and not one who only speaks of and apologizes for our faults.

P.s. His health care sham is unraveling as well as the global warming myth, Please let your representatives know how you feel and contact them with your thoughts. The cap & trade scam will only hurt American industry and the Health care bill will only continue to raise taxes on small business which employ over 80% of all Americans. Educate yourselves and get the facts that affect your life and that of your children.

God speed to the troops hitting hard around the globe and God Bless America