Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The American Idea: An Open Letter To College Graduates

Recently I spoke at the commencement exercises of Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business. This column gives you what I said. The thoughts are meant to be relevant to any young person facing the future -- Carl Schramm

I want to tell you about some remarkable monuments to American history that few of us today ever see. On the Midwestern plains, they are known simply as "the Ruts." Driving down a back road in Kansas you might notice a marker by the roadside, pointing to the middle of a vast open field. If you walk out amid the prairie grass you come across a depression in the earth, maybe six or seven feet wide, stretching east and west.

Other ruts like this can be found as far as a thousand miles away, running along desolate valleys and ridges into the Southwest, or up into the Sierras. They are remnants of the Santa Fe Trail, the California Trail, the Oregon Trail. Standing in the ruts, you can almost feel the Americans coming from the East--trekking through these rugged landscapes in such numbers that their tracks are still etched into the soil and the rock, over 150 years later.

During that same time even more people, waves of immigrants, were streaming into American seaports from across the oceans. On those ocean voyages, as on the westward migration, the hardships were often unspeakable and the hazards were real. All who undertook the journey knew the risk. So why did they do it?

Not long ago I had a visitor from England, a newspaper editor. I took him to Washington to see a more familiar monument, the Lincoln Memorial. Inside the Memorial, Charlie strolled over to read Lincoln's second Inaugural Address, the extraordinary speech near the end of the Civil War in which he called on a troubled nation to heal itself by living to high moral standards. Charlie came back with tears in his eyes. He said, "In England, we carve into our buildings the identities of the monarchs at the times they were built. In America, you carve into your buildings your values." I said, "To understand America, you have to understand that America is more an idea than a place."

The power of an idea is what impelled the American journey. And our nation's core idea was, and is, simple yet universal. It is the idea that the best society comes from allowing each of us the maximum possible individual freedom to pursue our own dreams.

Implicit in this idea from the start was a concept of business quite different from that held in other countries. Americans could own and build businesses, even very large ones, without any dispensation from the king or his minions. Here people could shape their own economic destiny, which has always been the key to personal dignity and fulfillment.

In 1776, the year of our Declaration of Independence, another watershed document was published. It was Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, the first declaration of free-market theory. Franklin, Hamilton and other of our Founders read it, finding that it confirmed what their experience had taught them. Ours would become a nation where individual freedom was grounded in economic freedom.

Now let's see what this idea has brought forth. America has grown its GDP at more than 3% for the past 100 years. This has been the greatest sustained increase in living standards in human history--all built upon business ventures started by American entrepreneurs free to pursue the opportunities they saw.

More powerfully yet, economies around the world are now being revitalized by our country's example of free-market entrepreneurial capitalism. America created the notion of entrepreneurs as civic assets. We celebrate our entrepreneurs as no other nation does. And we do the job as no other nation does. The per capita rate of business formation in the U.S. is higher than in any industrialized country except Israel. Small wonder, then, that the American model of allowing and enabling entrepreneurs to do what they do has been emulated in countries like India and China. These countries, once written off as hopeless by so-called economic experts, are now filled with dramatic new growth and new hope. Entrepreneurial businesses are achieving what decades of social programs and humanitarian aid could not.

Which brings us to you, our newest graduates. As you step out into the world I invite you to conceive of yourself as an entrepreneur. About 70 percent of you will actually be involved in starting a business at some point, and when that time comes, you will be performing three vital services.

First, entrepreneurs create the new. From the telegraph and the mechanical reaper to software and modern surgical devices, nearly everything new and useful has been brought to market by entrepreneurs.

Second, by starting companies that grow, entrepreneurs create jobs for others. More of this function is urgently needed at present; the need will continue.

And third, entrepreneurs truly increase the wealth of entire nations. Not only do they pay wages to workers and returns to investors, they deliver the new goods that enrich our lives and raise productivity across the board. Contrary to hoarding wealth, they share it and multiply it in every way imaginable.

So that's how you will make your mark. And even if you do not start a business of your own, most college graduates will at some point work in a for-profit business, a business which began as one person's vision. Your job within that firm will be to renew the vision and to keep on re-kindling the entrepreneurial spark--by inventing the new, by creating wealth for all.

Some of you feel that business is not for you. You may choose a life of public service in the government or nonprofit sectors, and those are high callings as well. Good people are needed in every sector, but please keep one thing in mind. Although they are necessary parts of our society, governments and nonprofits are not self-sustaining. In order to do their good works, they must rely on the underlying wealth created by business.

Thus, when you enter a life in business, you take the driving role in America's great journey. You accept a mission to serve all of us, fundamentally. By exercising your entrepreneurial abilities, you will earn deep personal rewards, while doing your utmost to keep the American idea alive in this world.

Because those ruts, those tracks across the prairie, are not just relics of the past. You do not have to stand in them and imagine the seekers from a bygone era coming through. Those who seek a better life are with us in greater numbers than ever. They are the new immigrants coming into our country. They are also the people who remain in their homelands on other continents, striving to give their nations the freedom and the standard of life that America exemplifies.

Their eyes are on you. I know you won't let them down. With the entrepreneurial spirit nurtured here in America, you have the means at hand to build a bright future for yourself--and for all of humankind.

- Carl Schramm 05.10.11, 5:00 PM ET

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