Monday, December 5, 2011

Barkley not invited to Heisman ceremony

Reminds of all that is wrong with college football and why he current system must be brought down. One of the nominees who was invited isn't even the best (best his numbers) at his position in the nation. How does that work and who do we burn at the stake for putting us through this?
Also, a possible winner could be someone suspended for doing wrong? Wasn't that the whole point behind handing USC their ass and screwing Barkley and others out of bowls and possible national titles & trophies.
It's fucking criminal and even coaches are now standing up and voicing this concern, which may (if espnsec allows) bring change to the system of college football as a while, but do not hold your breath due to the tv money involved.

Oh and how the eff does a two loss team get seated higher than every one loss team for a bowl they had no chance (in a normal world) of getting without some serious rigging?

Forget it. USC is not playing until next year, so until spring ball football is over for me.

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