Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Florida Gators are Overrated

Le t me stop you before you say anything in regards to how great Tebow is and hard the SEC is to play in. WE GET SOUTHERNERS... WE GET IT.
But when you look at the numbers and their out of conference play I am just not seeing it. They have yet to Sched against USC and show the west whats up and They play Cream puffs out of conference and within the SEC they don't make great wins against Unranked teams. As for the tebow heisman case for 2009 that should be DEAD. If you watched the game you should have seen that he is not playing to the trophy standards and that this year it could go to one of a handful defensive players. As it should go to the best player... Not the best QB or Back. Here i am ranting about BS that doesnt really matter to anyone, but me. (as it should since this is my blog) so yeah. Bottom line is this.. Gator fans suck it hard just like Michigan fans. they're all homers who say they be the best yet haven't the sched to show for it. Take up Big Balls Pete and sched out a match up Against my good ole USC and then lets see whats up? The BCS system doesn't prove who's best in any way, if anything it proves who i will give the most shit to next year after being handed a "NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP" ha ha! Right as if we have had one in the BCS era. Even when USC has been crowned they shouldn't have been! They had not played everyone who was the best to play so in my mind there is not a sinlge champion worth a shit in the era.


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