Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's been a rough week and Obama still wont commit.

SO its been a rough week for me, 1st of all USC lost to the Ducks and lost HUGE. The ducks played like effing champions and picked us apart. They deserve the win and i will not take anything away from them.
SO that is first, Second i am watching the President take his sweet Ass time in deciding the fate of our troops in the AF-Pak, Now this is not a partisan attack this is just fact. Why is he doing this when he campaigned for 18 months saying he will win the AF-Pak war as it is a war of (and i quote) "Necessity.".. SO suddenly this war isn't so necessary now that he is in office and is trying to shit down our throats a health care bill that will Fuck us all Especially if you're Diabetic ! Thanks Pres.. That's change Diabetic can believe in. Alas that is another story, so back to the Af-pak issue. October was the deadliest month in Afghanistan for the US since the beginning of the entire conflict!?! This being the case and having generals (Obama hand picked) ask for the troops needed to provide security and win the conflict i am at a complete and total Effing loss as to why he is taking his sweet ass time.
There are two sound theories that make sense. And one that is just me talking, but very well could be.

1. He is waiting for the afghan re-vote.. Oh wait it didn't happen even after Obama said he wanted fair elections he called Karzi and congratulated him on the "win" cool. Okay whatevs its over how about the troop decision??

2. He is waiting for the Elections happening today to see how the US is moving ideologically. If Conservatives win he will place the troops immediately. If Liberals win out then he will not. Now this scenario is more sinister as it would play into the fact he has done nothing but be a partisan hack from day one. It would also equate to allowing US deaths only to wait to see if his party wins more votes. Either way scary.

3. He just doesn't care. He just doesn't care and its nothing more than that. He wants it as a device to continue to blame G.W. BUSH Even though he is using Bush's Battle plan for Iraq as well as for Hunting terrorist and killing them. OH and he is also carrying on Bush's Rendition program as well as Assassination hits on known terrorist. (which i am happy he is doing) But you'll never hear about that from the media nor his supporters.

SO there you have it, a little bit of me telling you what i feel about the current man in charge. I personally feel he is weak and hasn't the heart for the show down he is facing. He cries when his actions are questioned and he is quit to dismiss anyone that doesn't agree with him . Both are signs of immaturity and does not fit the office of president. If he continues to be drunk on his own greatness he will be the first multiracial president and also one of the worst in history, as history is never kind to failures.

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