Friday, November 20, 2009

Terrorist deserve no rights and Sarah Palin is not that Dangerous....

In case you have been in a cave for the past few weeks i will remind you.. The administration is full of yes men and fools of the highest sort.

A. Whats is so scary about Sarah Palin?

Honestly liberals what is so scary about her? I find her attractive for her age and she is self made and seems to have a handle on most things *Better than most in DC* . She is educated and then became a loving mother and a successful female politician.
I am lost as to why the left wing attacks this woman to no end especially when they think so low of her and find her repulsive as she is not in the "elite" circle of Washington personalities.
I have a theory, Now i may be wrong , but i never am. Perhaps that they see a woman powerful beyond their wildest dreams.. Perhaps they see a woman that has such a strong following(and growing) that she could pose a threat to their power. First rule of war and politics..Discredit your opponent.. Looks like phase one is in effect yet she is even more popular according to most polls than our own House and senate!!! Not bad for a stupid soccer mom from Alaska! I happen to think they hate her because she is a strong and ATTRACTIVE woman, in case you haven't noticed most liberals are repulsive in the looks department! That's just my opinion..... So yeah we have healthcare..two wars.. A failing economy.. Respect loss around the world.. and all the journalist want to talk about is Sarah Effin Palin!! Seriously..


B. Good job Asshats.. The 9-11 Terrorist get all the trappings of a real U.S. Citizen! Just like the ones they Murdered that never had a chance.

This is where i get pissed, You F@%K!N@ A$$HOL3S!

Where do you scumbags get off pulling a stunt like this? First off they aren't Americans and they certainly aren't citizens of any sort. They were caught on the field of battle in Pakistan under a Military engagements authorized by Congress! Not sure where all of the journalist or politicians were who are supporting this but do they not remember all of 2001?? So now in an attempt to blast the Bush administration we are going to try them in NYC with all the rights and privileges as you or I. How do you feel about that? I know i am Pissed the Eff off.
We spent millions to build court facilities offshore to do this type of thing and to make it secure for all those involved. Now they want to forgo this and have it in the middle of the city where they attacked us in the first place and already the state is asking for 100 million in extra security funds. !!! Aren't we in the middle of a recession with Gov spending pout of control? Not that an extra 100 Mil means a damn thing, Shit! Thats pocket change compared to the Trillion dollar deficit Mr O has already racked up.. *more deficit in first 9 months of his admin than had been produced by all presidents combined before him* Dont believe me? Look it up then go Eff yourself.

So we have Terrorist back in NYC only this time they arent on one way tickets and are being given the full stage at which to preach their Terrorist Bullshit form. Oh and yeah all the rules of discovery apply to them in US district court so they can ask for and have All the CIA files and all out techniques we use to capture them.. I mean it is a fair trial and they do get afforded all the rights of a US citizen in court or else the case can be thrown out! And if you trst the liberal judges of NYC not to do that! I got ocean front property in AZ to sell you. Cheap too. ... Neat right!
No way that stuff will get out and into the wrong hands. Hopefully it will only cost the lives of a few more american soldiers.. Err i Mean Photo Ops!! Right Big O .. I mean thats what you called them.. So to cap this off as i am sure you know.. I am a little upset by these current events and although i know this blog will do little to change them i can rest easy knowing this fool and his team are only a 4 year stain on the flag of America. Here are a few link you might like, I found them interesting and so should you.

God Bless and Good Luck.. God Speed to the men and women hit'n hard around the globe.

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