Monday, March 8, 2010

Sorry... Here is a nugget

For not writing more here. I have been engulfed with moving and life in general..oh and watching the collapse of the democratic party and the failure of Obama socialist programs. Life is good all around.
i will say this, as i have stated before, we on the Right had better get our shit together and stop this finger point and the whole "not right enough" horse shit or else we are in for a long road to hoe! Seriously folks, we need to get on the ball and go after the far left like a pit bull and not let up until the Nov elections pan out and we are victorious. That's the easy part, because then we have to govern properly and not like a bunch if wild bill asshats spending out of control!! I supported many of the bush policies , but the man spent out of control. He also did not do enough to secure the borders and really lock that up properly. 

Ive said my piece for the day.

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