Saturday, January 23, 2010

The right will squander this latest victory

After reading the posts today in the blogs and some of the articles in the papers, I am saddened to see that the right is more interested in eating each other than agreeing to work (however little) together to defeat the left on the larger issues.
All of this name calling and finger pointing will only (once again) open the door for the Obama's and Pelosis of the world to try and take control.
If we cannot even be civil with each other how the heck can we defeat the enemy? No one will agree 100% with anyone else on a subject so we must use what we do agree on as a tool to fix the bigger picture.
I doubt that will happen based on all the "rino" this and that and the "he's not right enough" crowd..
This is a center-right country and in order to keep it that way we MUST learn to work together. Work the big issues and let the rest be debated amongst ourselves, but please stop the infighting as it will only hurt us. I already see Brown is being gone after!! What the Fuck for? Like, really? Less than a week and he's a target for "real" conservatives or for those that are THE TEA PARTY.. Get over yourselves and realize wars are fought a battle at a time and we must work together as those of the right as a whole.
I am positive the Left will work together no matter what as they did and got a man with zero experience to the highest office in the land. You've been warned and I hope it does not fall on deaf ears. The fact is we will lose this momentum and the upper hand by attacking each other.

1 comment:

  1. I am concerned about that as well. It's petty things like name-calling and labeling which risk miring the GOP in the past. If ground is to be gained and progress made, the GOP needs to collectively identify its goals and make effective strides toward achieving them.
