Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This is about the law

The recent event here in AZ have caused quite a stir across the country and has many people speaking out against AZ and our EVIL, RACIST, NAZI-Esq law..

Problem is this, it is a carbon copy of the federal except it now grants powers to the local law to enforce them! Since the federal government will not.
This being the case i have to ask, is this misconception due to The fact that those opposed are just plain ignorant or illiterate and simply cannot understand the bill? are they so uneducated that they cannot do a simple google search and read the bill for themselves that they believe anything the liberal hive mind feeds them?
If they are just too ignorant to understand the English language then i forgive them for the things they spout so angrily, but if this is not the case then they are nothing more than race baiters playing politics as usual.

We here in AZ and other border states have a serious problem with illegal immigrants. According to studies they bleed over 1.7 billion a year from our economy here in AZ alone.. Per YEAR and that number is rising.
We have murders daily and one of the highest numbers of kidnappings (in the world) yet the left wants nothing done, in fact they want to grant amnesty to the illegals that are currently here ILLEGALLY! Key word ILLEGAL ..
What about that word is so hard to understand for so many? Riddle me this! GO to any country outside the US and try to move in and out of without your Passport, visa, Green Card.. Even better, go set up your life there without becoming a citizen or taking the proper steps legally to have the right to set up shop. Get back to me and let me know how that works out for you.

A country that cannot–or will not control its borders isn’t really a country. <-- Think About It

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