Friday, May 7, 2010

My Grand father passed away last night.. A rant

My grandpa past away last night peacefully in his sleep after battling a bacteria that over took him at a rapid rate. He was a proud man who served his country during WW2 and fought bravely in the pacific theater battling the Japs from island to island in defense of his country which he loved.
He was a fucking Marine and he was tough, the corp lives forever therefore my Grand Father will live forever.
Now the reason i bring this up in such a crude manner is due to the current climate of anti Americanism by citizens and illegals of this great nation. When in the fuck did it become kosher to bash and blame America first. Why is it wrong to want all citizens to act accordingly and take the proper steps to become a member of our society! Why did my grandpa and many others like him have to fight in a war to be a citizen when these other animals can come in freely and just set up shop without any due process?

We are at a fork in the road people, when Americans are sent home for wearing the American flag while the Mexican flag is flown over A United States High School it is time to rise up and begin another revolution. I am not Racist, I am not hateful, but i am an American and god damn i am proud of that fact. Many have given their lives in order to make this country the greatest on earth and i will be god damned if i am gonna sit here and watch it torn down.
You want to be an American than put down the fucking Mexican Flag! Try that shit in Mexico and they will kick your god damn teeth in and do it all with a smile.
THE fact is you're breaking the law if you come here illegally and should be dealt with accordingly, as i do not go to your country and break the law or take from its citizens i expect the same in return.
Y0u want to be an American? Learn English.. You want to be an American? Take pride in our flag and our customs... You want to be an American? Take the step to becoming a citizens as so many before you did.
This is it, this is your warning, the time to play is over and the tide is turning! Americans are not going to stand for this shit anymore..

This warning is for all politicians as well, be prepared to be voted out of office as you no longer represent the people, but only your own liberal ideology or lust for power and more handouts from lobbyist! Brig pride back to Washington, bring love of country back, bring back the ideas of our forefathers who formed this great nation in the hopes we wold be anything as long as we weren't socialist ideologues such as our friends across the sea.

Take notice as Europe falls apart and try to understand why we went from colonies to the worlds super power in the time it took the rest of the world to learn to wipe their own asses! It's because we're tough, we work hard, we expect nothing for free and we will kick as much ass as it takes to get what we want...

Time to put America and Americans first.

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