Saturday, May 22, 2010

A drunk rant about god knows what and things god doesnt like

WE ARE AT WAR! The Sooner you hippie Liberal Weak sucks understand this the sooner we can get to winning! Abortion is money in your world, yet pouring water on a terrorist that would gut your family is wrong!! I feel sorry for those of you that live in fantasy land and think that the US is the one doing wrong..

i firmly believe that you are cowards and afraid of a fight.. it is the only train of thought that you must follow as i do not know how one could feel sorry for those that would gut then fuck their family in front of them and then make excuses for why it happened!! Read, educate yourself! the parallels to pre WW2 are shocking and scary.. Weak US leader and even worse in Europe, coupled with economies crashing and regimes testing the waters as to what they can carry out without affect.

N Korea sinks a South Korean ship and all POTUS says is "this is an Egregious act" lolol.. the fag doesn't even realize what an act of war is! he must have forgot about the DMZ and the 25K US troops stationed there. .. Then again how could he remember that when he is busy sucking the cock of Mexico and denouncing the will of the people in AZ.. He is like a wet fart except a wet fart actually produces something.. he is just the hot air.

Disclaimer: this is no way an attack on Homosexuals or normal murderers of any kind. Those two groups i like and get along with smashingly.

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