Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Journalsim is dead. A rant.

as you can see from the title i am in love with the media and journalist as a whole. By in love i mean i am sick and tired of them and their lies and lack of spine when reporting the facts of the days. They no longer report stories but tell them as they see fit. They only write about what fits there personal agendas and to those that follow them lock step.
The days of investigative reporting for the truth in a story are gone and now we are left with only the reporting of what they want us to think and feel. We no longer are given facts and then left to decide on our own, but force fed only half truths and the talking points that they are fed from the people they are covering.
Case in point, Is the N1H1 Flu; The flu kills 40K a year yet all of a sudden when single payer socialized healthcare is being pushed a flu is now an emergency and another reason the administrations must slam this down our throats. In national polls only about 20% of Americans want this style of healthcare yet those that now so much more than us in Washington are still trying to force it upon us..?? and the Reporters are lock step behind them pushing it as well without reporting the facts of how incredible out current system is compared to the rest of the world? Why is this? whys i this dishonesty being dumped on our heads like we are children and still being told Santa Clause brings the gifts and not the hard work of our parents?
Is there something wrong with working hard for nice things? Is it so bad that we have private insurance that we can afford if we like it by working hard? Funny thing is that the majority of those without healthcare are the ones who can afford it most. Studies show the highest numbers of uninsured are those making 75K or more a year!? A FUCKING YEAR.... Who turn down employer subsidized plans or outright don't want to pay for it for themselves? So now we are going to focrce people to have coverage? Uh is this america or some dictatorship? what happen to persoanl responsibility and choice of life path in america? it is what made us great..
The reporters will never admit this though because it does not meet their agenda of a utopia at any cost and no matter how badly it disrupts the lives of the 80% who happen to enjoy their current coverage.
Don't get me wrong it would be lovely if we could all live as one and enjoy everything for free and be FAT ASS LAZY PIGS.. The Socialized system worked out great for Russia?!?! Oh wait, No it didn't it failed and the country is bankrupt.. whoops.. But reporters wont say that! It doesn't fit their agenda. Grrrr, So back to the original thought.

Journalism is dead, it is no longer the checks and balances of the powers that be but only the PR wing for them to push agendas and sway public opinion. When the White House says a new agency is not news simply for Disagreeing you know the United States is in troubled times and that the Blood spilled by those who fought for the freedom was in vain. We live in scary times and those that do not see it are blinded by the celebrity of it all and do not deserve to live with such open freedoms(which we are all losing swiftly).
Anyone who thinks it is best to let others decide their health choices for them will gladly let another decide damn near everything and anything beyond that easily. These people are usually children and we grow out of it, but as of late we are seeing many who want nothing more than to continue at the Tit of their mommy and daddy so they never have to make a hard choice or do a days work to survive.. For those 20% i say give them all they can handle in freebies but leave the rest of us the fuck alone..

Any government powerful enough to provide everything for its people is powerful enough to take it all away.

We reap what we sew America... I didn't vote for the guy.. and those who did i hope you enjoy the dishes that are being served.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Mistake Obama! (i'm glad you're making it)

Going after a news organization that holds the attention of more than half of the United States does not seem to be a fitting plan for one who wants to stay in power and control as badly as Obama and his people do.

No matter what you think of Fox News you cannot deny that they are the leaders in cable news. Be it ratings or all out ability to break a story first they have a hold of the market and are not soon to let go.
So here we are, 10 Months into a presidency and already they have decided to not combat the issues but to go after a news source!?! No NO, I get it.. I am as shocked and bewildered as you are! I would think it would be appropriate to marginalize something you do not like rather than thrust it full force into the media to be broadcast to the masses. Even those that hate fox are now tuning in to see what all the fuss is about and at this point in Obama's run the last thing he needs is anyone who agrees with him at all getting a different pint of view.
His own people are jumping ship and the youth voters who got him elected are now at a breaking point and there are rumblings of "why vote nothing changes" This being the case 2012 is way out of reach as Older more conservative types vote when angry and young voters just stay at home.

So with that i will leave you with this question Mr. Obama... What happened to transparency and the freedom of speech? you spoke so highly of both throughout the campaign and now that there are some that don't follow you lock step you cry foul? why is this so? is it you being scared about being found out as a fraud.. Or is it that your administration truly cannot debate the issues for you have no understanding of them? No matter what the answer you're bleeding voters . Perhaps this is the reason you throw parties at the white house with such frequency.. Maybe you know it is only yours for 4 years..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Get the F%&K OUt of here BCS


So We're (USC) # 4 in the AP and # & in the BCS behind Boise State and Cincinnati !?! Am I missing something here. Okay so we lost our annual one to an unranked team but we are 5-1 Overall and three of those wins are to out of conference teams.. And we've beaten ranked teams! What the Shit man? Does the BCS really think they are taken seriously when a team Like ours is # 7 behind undefeated teams who have played NO ONE.. You hear me NO EFFING ONE. Honestly folks no matter who you support or what you think of SC this is an effed up joke. I hope they throw one of these asshats ins the Rose Bowl with us so we can smash em like we did illi!

I am too pissed to write.

The Florida Gators are Overrated

Le t me stop you before you say anything in regards to how great Tebow is and hard the SEC is to play in. WE GET SOUTHERNERS... WE GET IT.
But when you look at the numbers and their out of conference play I am just not seeing it. They have yet to Sched against USC and show the west whats up and They play Cream puffs out of conference and within the SEC they don't make great wins against Unranked teams. As for the tebow heisman case for 2009 that should be DEAD. If you watched the game you should have seen that he is not playing to the trophy standards and that this year it could go to one of a handful defensive players. As it should go to the best player... Not the best QB or Back. Here i am ranting about BS that doesnt really matter to anyone, but me. (as it should since this is my blog) so yeah. Bottom line is this.. Gator fans suck it hard just like Michigan fans. they're all homers who say they be the best yet haven't the sched to show for it. Take up Big Balls Pete and sched out a match up Against my good ole USC and then lets see whats up? The BCS system doesn't prove who's best in any way, if anything it proves who i will give the most shit to next year after being handed a "NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP" ha ha! Right as if we have had one in the BCS era. Even when USC has been crowned they shouldn't have been! They had not played everyone who was the best to play so in my mind there is not a sinlge champion worth a shit in the era.


Friday, October 16, 2009

USC vs Notre Dame

Now i know what you're gonna say.. SO don't say an damn thing. It could have been the biggest game of the year had it not been USC losing its ceremonial one unranked game a year and Notre Dame sacking up against Michigan.
That being said you know i am stoked for this game , we have two southern Californian QB Fenoms that are both heisman potentials. Jimmy boy who traded the So cal Sun for the Irish Gold and Barkley who stuck around to make a name in the crimson and gold.. Both were ranked # 1 in the nation in their respective senior year and both have a lot to prove. If both sides had the defense of USC and the Offensive running strength of USC i might call this one quite a duel, but as history has it Notre Dame is at a huge defecit in the talent pool! Shit, SC has Defensive players that Run the 40 faster than the Notre dame Runners. Although i am a believer in the strength of my Boys i am also one that waits until the game is played before talking too much ish. THATS WHY THEY PLAY!! So here we go and my predictions is SC by 2 TD's for a final of 28 - 13! DO the Damn thing troy.



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Americans pay to store Shit they will never use

As i drove to the dealership today for an oil change i noticed an eye sore about every mile or so. What might this eye sore be you ask? Well I Shall tell you... It is the Public storage facility, These places have popped up everywhere at an alarming rate and are causing me some discomfort. It is not so much the sight of them although id rather see a park or bar of some sort it is the fact that inside is nothing but peoples shit that they deem necessary to hold on to. Now this just isn't shit they like or even will use over again, but it is just shit that sits there for no other good reason other than being shit people cannot let go of. If your have ever travelled outside the us you will know that there are not these facilities all over the world holding foreign shit it is only the Americans that see fit to store at length shit they will never use.
Now i know what you're thinking and No you're wrong.. There is no reason to pay a few hundred dollars a month to store shit you don't even use?? where is the logic in that and even worse most of these nimrods have a garage full of shit at home they never use either. All the while their car which i am sure they pay for sits on the driveway in the elements getting hammered and depreciating.!?! Come on people.. Please be smarter than the monkeys that came before us.. Even they didn't store shit they didn't use they just threw it at each other (at least it is getting rid of it) are we so dependent on the things we own that we cannot see that they over time become no longer useful to us and should be discarded?
I guess what i am getting at is that if we would simplify our lives a bit and perhaps cut back on useless shit we could possibly save some cash as well as park the car we pay monthly for in its proper place. At the very least we may have more piece of mind not having to worry about where to put all of this shit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Few words of advice

If you've been in of and then out of more than 2 relationships this year..its one too many. Figure yourself out before you try it on someone else.

True story, people have no idea how to make themselves happy and have the nerve to think they can do it for someone else. Funny yet sad all at once :/

Being happy is never a bad thing no matter how it comes to you. Most people have everything they think they need and are miserable for it.
I spent a few years doing the same thing expecting someone else to "complete" me or make me feel good inside and I always ended up empty and jaded. Now that I've changed that I've had great relationships both
personally and professionally.

I say this all due to seeing many Face Book profiles jump form in to out of relationshits weekly and many by repeat offenders. Its like if i see one more of these status changes I'm gonna shit!! Not just shit , but shit in a bag and lite it on fire and leave it on the offenders door step.

End of public service announcement

Whats Wrong

Nothing is wrong today! I went to the International Balloon Fiesta this weekend in Albuquerque NM and it was a treat! Minus the dodging bullets and drunk Indians in the streets. Honestly, ABQ Police department.. Clean it up. I mean the city is beautiful and so is the scenery and the weather, but the fowl peeps that live there and make it a slum have got to go. Maybe the new Mayor will give it a shot and try to make the place hospitable enough to draw in more investment. Truth be told i would love to buy a home there for vacationing (when I win the lotto and can afford vacations homes) But the amount of shit you have to dodge to live there is not welcoming at all. Oh and the schools suck so unless i am willing to raise retards (not that there is anything wrong with them) i would have to forgo them being educated in that state.
Bottom line is this; Go to the Balloon fiesta if you gt a chance and while there grab a bite to eat at Sadie's, Dion's Pizza and the Frontier Restaurant. You'll Thank me later.

Ps. Sons of Anarchy is on tonight.... Don't miss it.