Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Americans pay to store Shit they will never use

As i drove to the dealership today for an oil change i noticed an eye sore about every mile or so. What might this eye sore be you ask? Well I Shall tell you... It is the Public storage facility, These places have popped up everywhere at an alarming rate and are causing me some discomfort. It is not so much the sight of them although id rather see a park or bar of some sort it is the fact that inside is nothing but peoples shit that they deem necessary to hold on to. Now this just isn't shit they like or even will use over again, but it is just shit that sits there for no other good reason other than being shit people cannot let go of. If your have ever travelled outside the us you will know that there are not these facilities all over the world holding foreign shit it is only the Americans that see fit to store at length shit they will never use.
Now i know what you're thinking and No you're wrong.. There is no reason to pay a few hundred dollars a month to store shit you don't even use?? where is the logic in that and even worse most of these nimrods have a garage full of shit at home they never use either. All the while their car which i am sure they pay for sits on the driveway in the elements getting hammered and depreciating.!?! Come on people.. Please be smarter than the monkeys that came before us.. Even they didn't store shit they didn't use they just threw it at each other (at least it is getting rid of it) are we so dependent on the things we own that we cannot see that they over time become no longer useful to us and should be discarded?
I guess what i am getting at is that if we would simplify our lives a bit and perhaps cut back on useless shit we could possibly save some cash as well as park the car we pay monthly for in its proper place. At the very least we may have more piece of mind not having to worry about where to put all of this shit.

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