Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Few words of advice

If you've been in of and then out of more than 2 relationships this year..its one too many. Figure yourself out before you try it on someone else.

True story, people have no idea how to make themselves happy and have the nerve to think they can do it for someone else. Funny yet sad all at once :/

Being happy is never a bad thing no matter how it comes to you. Most people have everything they think they need and are miserable for it.
I spent a few years doing the same thing expecting someone else to "complete" me or make me feel good inside and I always ended up empty and jaded. Now that I've changed that I've had great relationships both
personally and professionally.

I say this all due to seeing many Face Book profiles jump form in to out of relationshits weekly and many by repeat offenders. Its like if i see one more of these status changes I'm gonna shit!! Not just shit , but shit in a bag and lite it on fire and leave it on the offenders door step.

End of public service announcement

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