Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Mistake Obama! (i'm glad you're making it)

Going after a news organization that holds the attention of more than half of the United States does not seem to be a fitting plan for one who wants to stay in power and control as badly as Obama and his people do.

No matter what you think of Fox News you cannot deny that they are the leaders in cable news. Be it ratings or all out ability to break a story first they have a hold of the market and are not soon to let go.
So here we are, 10 Months into a presidency and already they have decided to not combat the issues but to go after a news source!?! No NO, I get it.. I am as shocked and bewildered as you are! I would think it would be appropriate to marginalize something you do not like rather than thrust it full force into the media to be broadcast to the masses. Even those that hate fox are now tuning in to see what all the fuss is about and at this point in Obama's run the last thing he needs is anyone who agrees with him at all getting a different pint of view.
His own people are jumping ship and the youth voters who got him elected are now at a breaking point and there are rumblings of "why vote nothing changes" This being the case 2012 is way out of reach as Older more conservative types vote when angry and young voters just stay at home.

So with that i will leave you with this question Mr. Obama... What happened to transparency and the freedom of speech? you spoke so highly of both throughout the campaign and now that there are some that don't follow you lock step you cry foul? why is this so? is it you being scared about being found out as a fraud.. Or is it that your administration truly cannot debate the issues for you have no understanding of them? No matter what the answer you're bleeding voters . Perhaps this is the reason you throw parties at the white house with such frequency.. Maybe you know it is only yours for 4 years..

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