Saturday, January 23, 2010

The right will squander this latest victory

After reading the posts today in the blogs and some of the articles in the papers, I am saddened to see that the right is more interested in eating each other than agreeing to work (however little) together to defeat the left on the larger issues.
All of this name calling and finger pointing will only (once again) open the door for the Obama's and Pelosis of the world to try and take control.
If we cannot even be civil with each other how the heck can we defeat the enemy? No one will agree 100% with anyone else on a subject so we must use what we do agree on as a tool to fix the bigger picture.
I doubt that will happen based on all the "rino" this and that and the "he's not right enough" crowd..
This is a center-right country and in order to keep it that way we MUST learn to work together. Work the big issues and let the rest be debated amongst ourselves, but please stop the infighting as it will only hurt us. I already see Brown is being gone after!! What the Fuck for? Like, really? Less than a week and he's a target for "real" conservatives or for those that are THE TEA PARTY.. Get over yourselves and realize wars are fought a battle at a time and we must work together as those of the right as a whole.
I am positive the Left will work together no matter what as they did and got a man with zero experience to the highest office in the land. You've been warned and I hope it does not fall on deaf ears. The fact is we will lose this momentum and the upper hand by attacking each other.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

History was made today: Senator elect Scott Brown fired the shot that started the revolution

Just a few short words for todays elections results, and they are as follows:

Wow, I am in complete chocks as to what went down in Massachusetts, Scott Brown a Conservative won the Senate senate in what was the home of Teddy Kennedy and he won big. I believe this is the turning point for America and that the Citizens of this great land are just not going to take any shit anymore, from anyone.

Washington, You have been put on notice so act accordingly, the people have had enough of your lies and of the deceit and back room deals as Senator elect Brown put it. It is once again our time and we will elect who we deem fit to lead this great land. It is time for you all to start listening to the wishes of the populous, as this nation is a republic and will be ran according to these principles that our forefathers set in motion.

This is not an idle request, only a demand.

You've been warned, we are watching and voting.

God Bless America

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hail Ceasar



Now that we are in the Era of Kiffin, I would like to share this fantastic and funny video of Hitler defending Pete for all the accomplishments he has achieved while leading the Trojans on the Field.

Hail Ceasar..

Ps. Kiffin, Monte, Chow, Orogon... Are you Effing kidding me,


Just when thew Pac-10 thought it was safe to play football again...

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Carroll Chapter ends

So much for always competing and Winning Forever.. Competition Tuesdays and Anytime Anywhere! I understand he has to move on and nothing last forever, but hot damn Pete! You could have done it with a little more tact and shown some respect to the program. It is unacceptable the way you cut and run in the night and did so leaving recruits in the fog. I am upset , yes. I am a little foggy as to why the sudden escape. By all accounts you called the NFL the No Fun League! So now its the right move for you?
I just don't get it? It doesn't seem like a Pete Carroll thing to do? I am really looking forward to hearing his reasons and his explanations for all of the shady dealings and silence on the matter. In the end you gave us a great run and you helped me get through my fathers cancer and death, The wins the losses, the great speeches and the NC's and Titles. It was awesome and I cannot tell you how much i appreciate the time you gave to the program, but please give me a reason to believe that all you said wasn't just a pile of shit to keep us happy. I want to believe that the Win Forever and Always Compete weren't just tag lines to a book or DVD.