Tuesday, January 19, 2010

History was made today: Senator elect Scott Brown fired the shot that started the revolution

Just a few short words for todays elections results, and they are as follows:

Wow, I am in complete chocks as to what went down in Massachusetts, Scott Brown a Conservative won the Senate senate in what was the home of Teddy Kennedy and he won big. I believe this is the turning point for America and that the Citizens of this great land are just not going to take any shit anymore, from anyone.

Washington, You have been put on notice so act accordingly, the people have had enough of your lies and of the deceit and back room deals as Senator elect Brown put it. It is once again our time and we will elect who we deem fit to lead this great land. It is time for you all to start listening to the wishes of the populous, as this nation is a republic and will be ran according to these principles that our forefathers set in motion.

This is not an idle request, only a demand.

You've been warned, we are watching and voting.

God Bless America

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